Whilst living in the UK I visited many places with my girlfriend and took photos casually as I went.
I continued to do that after I came back to Japan. Unfortunately because of the COVID-19 pandemic I haven’t been able to meet my girlfriend for over two years. Now I go for a walk on my own and take photos casually.
I look back on both of them to see how I changed.
When I was in the UK, all books were left opening but I hold them with my left hand and read them as a right opening book like I used to do in Japan. I created a book you can read in either direction. The book consists of 70 pages.
I embroidered on the photos, to connect looking back at the past and also what I feel now. I give something through stitching. As the thread passes through the photo it leaves a random pattern on the other side. I repeat that. As it builds up the random pattern and the intentional pattern mix and become one.